The Artist

Many artists conform to being non-conformists... kind’ve hypocritical hey? It does, however, breed the unusual, the daring; a crying out to be heard and seen. But it is seeing things that the ordinary day-to-day eye misses that intrigues Brodie the most, particularly with his art.

His images reflect change – they capture an exact moment that will never exist again... be it the ever changing rust, decay and weathering that nature throughs at us; aspects which at any moment of light can change themselves, or go unnoticed. Or the sensual pose of a gorgeous woman... He likes turning little fragments of what was, into bigger, grander masterpieces! He wants those little things that are so often over looked in life to be accessible to everyone. A frayed billboard, displaying a mishmash of old adverts; to the untrained eye, it’s nothing... to him, it’s art! What he calls, “myArt”.

Working in television and the entertainment industry for the last eight years has afforded Brodie plenty of ‘down-time’; time which he has devoted to travel, relaxation and the pursuit of his art. Whether he’s using a standard SLR camera, fancy iPhone, paintbrush or sketchpad, he capture his images randomly, transferring them to a variety of mediums, from mirror to slate tiles, aluminium to canvas.

His natural flair for artwork has seen his work exhibited in various galleries, many pieces selling prior to opening night. His work represents a solid investment, and can be viewed online at and most recently at The Weekend Australian Art Melbourne 2010.